Thursday, July 5, 2012

Question 13: Name the fat soluble vitamins and their deficiency diseases ? Answer : Fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E and K,

Vitamin A: (Retinol) is commonly called the anti-infective or anti - xerophthalamic vitamin and is essential for normal. vision and the maintenance ofsecretory and glan- dular epithelia.
Its deficiency causes Xerophthalmia (dryness of cornea) and Nyctalopia (Night blindness.)
Main source are fish, cod liver oil, egg yolk, ghee, butter etc.
Vitamin D: (Calciferol) also known as anti - rachitic vitamin. It is essential for the normal metabolism of Ca and P and for normal development of bones and teeth. Deficiency in infants causes rickets (irregular growth ofbones, causing malformation like bowlegs, knock knees etc.) and in adult, causes osteomalacia (softening of bones due to excessive drainage of calcium Po4. Source:- E , meat, fish liver oil, , milk etc.
Vitamin E: (Tocopherol) or antisterility vitamin.
Maintains the normal state of sex organ and ensures pregnancy and nonnal childbirth. Deficiency diseases - sterility.
Source : Green leaves, meat, milk etc.
Vitamin K : (Naphthoquinone)
Commonly known as anti haemorrhagic vitamin. It is essential for formation of prothrombin from liver cells, which helps in blood clotting. Deficiency causes delayed blood coagulation.
source :- green le* vegetables like spinach, cauliflower etc.

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