| ArchNet - http://archnet.asu.edu/ The archaeology section of the World Wide Web Virtual Library. |
| About.com: Archaeology - http://archaeology.about.com/ Articles and directory of Internet sites, including a world atlas of archaeology on the web. |
| Saving Antiquities For Everyone - http://www.savingantiquities.org/ Highlights issues related to cultural heritage and its vulnerability to looting and the illicit antiquities trade. SAFE's mission is to increase public awareness of the importance of preserving cultural heritage worldwide. |
| The Archaeology Channel - http://www.archaeologychannel.org/ Archaeology and related subjects presented through streaming media by the Oregon-based Archaeological Legacy Institute. Videos can be viewed on-line and purchased. |
| Cultural Protection Treaties and Other International Agreements - http://fletcher.tufts.edu/multi/cultural.html List of treaties and agreements dealing with cultural property. From the Multilaterals Project at Edwin Ginn Library, Tufts University. The is tasked with recording treaties of diverse conternt and application. |
| Cultural Resource Management Network - http://www.eculturalresources.com/ Offers a source of jobs, news, announcements, consultant listings, and resources for students and professionals interested in archaeology, historic preservation, museums, and architectural history. |
| Archaeology: An Introduction - http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/kevin.greene/wintro/ Kevin Greene's selection of Internet links to supplement the 4th edition of his book, by chapter and section, with alphabetical index. |
| Bibliographies for Anthropological Research - http://www.mtsu.edu/~kesmith/TNARCHNET/Pubs/Res_Bib.html Tennessee Archaeology Net provides categorized bibliographies. |
| Archaeology Info - http://www.archaeologyinfo.com/ Covers significant discoveries from archaeology about human origins. Illustrated descriptions of hominids, with references. Articles, images, bookstore and links. |
| Archaeolink - http://www.archaeolink.com/ Reviewed and categorized directory of resources on archaeology, anthropology, and ancient civilizations. |
| Archaeological Research Resources - http://www.har-indy.com/Links.html Internet directory maintained by Historic Archaeological Research of history and archaeology web sites, including organizations, directories, technical references, online publications. |
| ARCH-L - http://listserv.tamu.edu/archives/arch-l.html General archaeology listserv from Texas A&M University. |
| ArchArt - http://www.archart.it/ A directory of photographs for educational use relating to archaeology and art history. |
| Archaeology Pages - http://www.jqjacobs.net/anthro/ Archaeology related articles and galleries by James Q. Jacobs, covering archaeogeodesy, prehistory, paleoanthropology, the Andes, Mesoamerica, American Southwest and rock art. |
| What is Archaeology? - http://www.usd.edu/anth/midarch/arch.htm An illustrated introduction from the Department of Anthropology at the University of South Dakota. |
| Archaeological Adventure - http://library.thinkquest.org/3011/ A ThinkQuest project explaining the discipline and its methods and techniques. Examples of significant discoveries including Troy, Shiqmim, the Egyptian Pyramids. Glossary. |
| Yahoo Groups: Archaeology - http://tech.dir.groups.yahoo.com/dir/Science/Social_Sciences/Anthropology_and_Archaeology/Archaeology Descriptive list of all the Yahoo discussion groups on archaeological topics, moderated and unmoderated. |
| Michael's Archaeology Page - http://www.zooarch.com/archaeology/ An introduction to the science of archaeology. |
| Archeology - http://history-world.org/archeology.htm An introduction by Ragz-International: the subject matter, history, specializations, methods and techniques. |
| Introduction to Ancient Culture - http://www.taisei.co.jp/kodaitoshi/civil_e/civilization.html Virtual trip through ancient sites across the world. |
| Unearthing Cultural Treasures - http://www.sptimes.ru/story/15673 Op ed piece from the St. Petersburg Times. |
| ArchaeologyOnline - http://archaeology.blogspot.com/ Archaeology web sites, with some anthropology thrown in. |
| The Thera Dialogues - http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_columns_100021_26/09/2005_61161 Archaeological sites, by definition, are places where the living wander carelessly among the concentrated shades of the dead. |
| Wikipedia Portal: Archaeology - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Archaeology A gateway to the many articles on archaeology in this online collaborative encyclopedia. Includes news and featured articles and images. |
AOR Archaeology - http://www.geocities.com/trekerq/Opening.html Downloads, links, and articles concerning methodology, cultures, and terms. |
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